We live in a world of so much uncertainty and Satan can easily use these questions to cause worry, fear and strive in our lives. While God has not promised to show us every answer, He has given us promises for life that we can ultimately trust Him with throughout our lifetimes. Some of these promises are these:
Before the foundation of the world God loved me and appointed a plan to bring me to Himself.
Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself on the cross to die for the sins of men and purchase a place for me in Heaven.
I have been born for such a time as this, my birth, life and death is in God’s perfect time to accomplish His best for the world through me and His best for me.
Nothing can separate me from the love of God, not sin, pain, cancer or death.
God will never leave or forsake me but goes through all of life’s trial and joys along side of me.
God knows the past, present and future, nothing surprises Him and He works all things for my good because I am called according to His purpose.
Jesus has gone to prepare a place for me and promises that He will carry me into His glorious presence that I may live in eternity with Him.
In His Love,
What beautiful, encouraging verses - and not just words, but God's promises! You are a wonderful, loving, Christ-centered family, and thank you so much for sharing your hearts with me, and all of your friends and family. My family and friends are continuing to keep you in thoughts and prayers for a time of unforgettable family-memories shared between each of you. Love you!!