Monday, December 27, 2010


This afternoon, mom went home to be with Jesus. We will miss her, but we are assured that we will be together again. We are thankful that she is now painfree and celebrating with her Savior.

"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones." Ps. 116:15

"Blessed be the Lord who daily bears our burden. The God who is our salvation." Ps. 68:19

We will post information about the funeral when the plans are confirmed.


  1. I'm so glad Aunt Cyndi is resting in His arms right now! We love you and continue to pray for you!

  2. We will be praying for you all! Praise God that she is with Jesus and no longer in pain!

  3. I have been uplifted and awed by the strength of your family's faith through this unspeakable trial. Cyndi was a true example of faith in action, and she witnessed to everyone she could. As her spirit lives on in heaven, her legacy will live on in the lives of those she touched here on earth.
    God bless you all and may He hold you close...
    RN in Pediatric Clinic at UNMH

  4. Praise God no more suffering and no more cancer. The victory your mom lived for is now complete. Now we all will hold on to God and each other as we learn to finish our lives without her here, by God's grace and His alone.
    I love you all

  5. Cyndi is now experiencing what we each long for...face to face with our Lord Jesus Christ. God is good and His mercies are new every morning. We pray you'd sense much of His grace and see much evidence of His mercy through this. Much love and special memories through the years...Rick and Brenda

  6. Absent from the body,but present with the Lord. Cyndi was the most gentle person I have known, and I'm glad she shared her Christ-life generously with our family. Bill, Kelly, Katie and Mike, we grieve with you, but share the relief from her pain. You are all dear to us,as was she.
    Love and prayers,
    Charles and Margi Hall
